Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Achilles with background

Here is a more final pic of the background...his beating wings give an impression of the sheer force of a helicopter taking off. This was pointed out to me by various on lookers as I sat on the concrete floor to paint the time, I felt I was fighting with it to make it look a certain way, and out comes this movement of wind that everyone else saw. I guess, I had something different in mind, but am very pleased with it now that I've lived with it for a while.

Coming soon-My blog about an unbelievable and unpredictable internet journey, that will change the course of my family history as I know it and they once knew it. I can't wait for this one!!!!


Anonymous said...

Of all the paintings I've seen you've done, this one captures the illusion of movement the best. I think allowing people to see your work in progress gives you an advantage over most artists. Sometimes the non-artist can give the artist the best advice.
Some of the best suggestions I've gotten were from my youngest son Micheal, who is the least artistic member of my family. To me this painting captures the moment between a hover and rapid fight as the hummingbird floats in fragment of eternity at eye level.

Allan Chow said...

Wow. Its been awhile. But yes I do remember you and your beautiful paintings. It used to be murals. Your paintings are absolutely precious and with such detail and care, I am at awe! Thank you for your comment. I hope you are doing well as well. I am very happy to hear that whatever the obstacles are ahead you are still pursuing your dreams. I will be checking back. Keep blogging. Talk to you later.

Allan Chow